After eight Thursday night competitions, TSR’s Showdown series is finally over. 2009 saw the largest field ever in our showdown series. The series has 5 different divisions and 108 different riders throughout the series. Some of those riders competed in all eight events. All in all there was almost 300 different rides over the 8 events. The pro division was one of the largest categories each week. This was extremely surprising because top local riders like Tom Fooshee, Gabe Lucas, Josh Rice and Cody Johnson were often traveling for other events or helping judge and only competed in about half of the events. This left the door open for local riders like Evan Washington, Blake Vorwald and Travis Putman. In the end Travis was on top and rode as consitesntly as anyone in the series. Congratulations to Travis Putman. Past overall showdown winners in the pro division include Chris Ramirez, Josh Rice, Blake Hess, Josh Wirght, & Tom Fooshee. The wakeskate division was won by Jesse Landry who won four different events. Aaron Reed and Bret Little both won the only week they were in town to compete. Local Cable Operator Matt Davidson took second, wowing the crowd with his 270 shuv over the peak of the Liquid Force Rooftop rail. The big surprise was Tom Fooshee taking third while only competing in five events. (Total scores were figured by adding the riders top 6 of 8 events) The advanced division was one by TSR camp coach Ryan Smith, while Marshall Lewis and Chris Wright took home titles in Intermediate and Beginner respectively. A big thanks to all our riders, MasterCraft, Liquid Force, Nike 6.0, Helium, Spy and Freestyle for helping Texas Ski Ranch make another great summer Showdown series possible. The next big party will be Fall Festival Oct. 9-11. We will also be hosting a collegiate regional tournament the same weekend, so we’ll see you all there!