Check out Cherie, wakeboardingmag.com’s July Chicks Contest winner. She’s a Texas hottie with plenty of riding skills. We caught up with Cherie between sets for a few questions.
How long have you been riding? Eight years. I started wakeboarding in 2002 and picked up a wakeskate in 2004. Haven’t strapped in since. Just started wakesurfing within the last year as well.
What do you ride behind Mostly cable. Also, boat, ski, and winch whenever I get the chance.
You look like you’re slaying the rails, do you spend a lot of time at TSR? I do, ever since the first time I picked up a wakeskate. I finally got behind a PWC about a year later. TSR is my home away from home. When I first started in ’04, I’d go about two or three times a week. I’m actually going to go down and night ride tonight. They had a Cablestock down there and they had a bikini contest; I entered that and got third or something.
What do you do for a living? I’m self employed.
What’s your setup? 2008 Gator Doyle, DC Shoes and a Helium Vest.
What’s your favorite trick? For me, a shove it. To watch, probably a big spin.
Who’s your favorite wakeskater? Man, there are so many out there I really like. I’d say Ryan Doyle. I wouldn’t say I have one particular favorite though.
Photo by: Richie Getter