](http://wakeboardingmag.com/news/2012/08/28/the-wakeskate-tour-final-invite-for-stop-5/attachment/imgres-2/)For immediate release:
What: Stop #5 of The Wakeskate Tour – The Contingency
Where: The Projects Wake Park in Bithlo, Florida
When: August 31st & September 1st
This is the final invite for Stop #5 of The Wakeskate Tour, called “The Contigency”. The Projects Wake Park in Bithlo, Florida will host the Final Event for this year’s annual Wakeskate Tour Series. The season has turned out better than we could have ever imagined. 40+ riders at each event putting it all on the line to prove who the best wakeskater in the world really is. This Final Event is sure to be nothing less than spectacular. With Andrew Pastura currently in the lead; Ben Horan, Nick Taylor, Reed Hansen, and Nick Robinson have their work cut out for them in order to step up & take the title. It’s going to be an amazing event and we hope every wakeskate fan can make it out to support the Final Event on Saturday, September 1st. We invite all riders, professional & amateur, to join us Thursday, August 30th for practice and the open qualifier on Friday, August 31st. You can sign up online at thewakeskatetour.com and must sign up no later than Wednesday to avoid the $20 dollar late fee. Good luck and we will see you there.