The Wakeskate Tour has had an amazing season and the Final stop is guaranteed to make wakeskate history. If Toe Jam, Retention, and the Suwannee Pro were any indication of what’s to come than Battle Falls will be the greatest wakeskate event to ever go down. With 60 athletes already signed up ready to battle it out for the Battle Falls title a hand full of riders are in the hunt to take the crown away from the 2012 tour champion Andrew Pastura. Not only did Andrew win the 2012 season he is also in a commanding lead in this years points race for the 2013 title of The Wakeskate Tour. The riders will have their work cut out for them to take the title out of his hands. Reed Hansen and the guys have stepped it up once again to make the Battle Falls site even better than last year. Metal hand rails and a heavier flowing shoot promise to make the riding even more epic than last years flawless event. We invite everyone out to Groveland Florida this Saturday for the main event and what we guarantee to be the best competitive wakeskating the world has ever seen.
We would like to thank all of our sponsors for making this event and The Wakeskate Tour happen Rockstar Energy, Zeal Optics, Ronix, Fox, Supra Boats, and Sesitec system 2.0