
Photo Gallery: March 2010 Chicks Contest Winner

March Chicks Contest winner Michelle Davis continues the West Coast’s recent domination of WAKEBOARDING‘s monthly clash of wake-riding swimsuit models. We caught up with the 29-year-old Paso Robles, California, hottie to find out if she looks as good on a wakeboard as she does in a bikini.

How long have you been riding? I’m a newbie! I started back in the summer of 2008.

How did you get into wakeboarding? My husband got me into it. He was a team rider for Gator Boards. One earrrrrrrrrrly morning, he took me out with some of his riding buddies and got me in that freezing cold water and made me learn! Although I’m still a beginner and learning the basics, I love it!


What’s your favorite place to ride and why? We live on Lake Nacimiento, California. We’re 30 seconds from the water and that’s where I first started to ride! What could be more perfect?!?

What boat do you ride behind? A blue-and-white 2008 Malibu V-Ride.

What do you do for a living? I’m a dental assistant in Paso Robles, California.


Who’s your favorite wakeboarder? My husband, Robby Davis, and Randall Harris and Ricky Gonzalez!

Turn-ons? My husband in a nutshell.

Turn-offs? Bad teeth!
