Brian Grubb is always taking the off-season hitting up exotic locations and getting out of town to ride where he typically doesn’t (and others don’t either). This year, he set off to Turkey with the Red Bull crew to ride in a geothermic naturally-fed spot called Cleopatra’s Pool.
This area of Turkey (once part of the Roman empire) is full of history, including this man-made pool that was supposedly a gift to Cleopatra from Marc Antony. As the story goes, an earthquake caused all the surrounding buildings to topple into the pools so they are filled with the ancient ruins. They have since been recreated and the naturally occurring hot springs are a destination for many people to come swim and bathe in the warm waters. Air bubbles from the springs are constantly running up through all the ruins so the pool is also known for it’s “champagne waters”.
Check out the full gallery below.

Brian Grubb is supported by Hyperlite, Malibu Boats, Billabong, Zeal Optics and Red Bull.