It’s hard not to love a flagship wakeboarding boat. Each boat manufacturer pulls out all the stops and whips up its best recipe for the perfect wake, includes all the bells and whistles, and makes no compromises. Flagship boats are an absolute dream to ride behind. The Tigé ASR is no exception to this. One look at the ASR and it becomes clear that the crew at Tigé recognized the changing market. The older, smaller hulls and wakes are becoming archaic as the industry phases them out, and the need for more stock ballast to accommodate the average wakesurfer is more prevalent than ever. More often than not, Pops is the one making the big purchase, and rather than taking a rip on the old single ski to relive his youth, Dad is turning to wakesurfing to get his water-sports fix. The days of your dad asking you, “Why on God’s green earth would you put water inside the boat and haul it around the lake?” are over. Your dad has seen the light, and man, does it feel good.
This change in demand allows today’s flagship boat manufacturers to go over the top when it comes to ballast and hull shape – which is a dream come true if wakeboarding is your priority. Tigé answered the call beautifully: a deep hull, high gunwales and rub rails, lots of stock ballast, and a massive, clean wake at the push of a button. The ASR was a real treat to ride behind.
Let’s dive a little deeper into the wake itself. For starters, the transition was really clean and crisp without being finicky – which means less time telling your buddy to slide over a bit to clean up the wash on one side of the wake. It was firm and consistently clean, even while I was edging out. The transition shape itself was really fun, too. It was a perfect combo of steep and rampy. The volume was high and easy to edge through, with a nice kick at the top. I felt the potential to learn a bunch of new tricks if only I had consistent access to that wake – I was genuinely impressed.
Overall, any riders looking to go big and take their tricks to the next level would be stoked out of their minds to get their hands on one of these. If you see an ASR around town, hitchhike your way into a set behind that beast and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Boat Specs | |
Length | 23 ft. |
Dry Weight | 5,660 lb. |
Factory Ballast | 3,000 lb. |
Maximum Capacity | 16 people |
Rider Settings | |
Speed | 23 mph |
Rope Length | 77 feet |
Ballast | Wake Pro ballast plus add’l ballast |
Taps 2 | 6 |
Crew | Driver |
Wake Profile | |
Transition | Moderate |
Volume | High |
Width | Average |
Rideability | All skill levels |