
What’s in Maryh Rougier’s Board Bag?

Find out what's the favorite gear of France's top wake park and winch rider Maryh Rougier.

Maryh Rougier has been a dominating force in the global wake park arena for the last few years. The native of France ,trains at Totem Wake Park in Tolousse and consistently makes her way into the podiums of the World’s top Cable Park contests. Find out what’s her gear of choice!

Liquid Force Set Up

Maryh Off Axis
Spot: Off Axis Wake Courtesy Fanny Louvion (@poys_pictures)

Bindings: Vale 5-7. Anna Nikstad‘s pro model and also the best bindings I’ve ever rode.
My favorite thing is how low they are on the ankle, it allows a lot of mobility. They come with a walk liner that you can easy put into the main boot, and as soon as you tight your laces, you feel stability, maintain and control.

Board: Virago 152. Anna Nikstad’s pro model again! The shape she offers is the most flexible on the range. That’s what I like the most on a wakeboard =) and for 2021, she made it in 152cm! Plenty of fun.


O’Neill Gear

Wetsuit: Hyperfreak 3:2mm. The best neo on the market! Flexible, strong and warm ♡

Lifejacket: Bahia Vest. This one goes low on the hips and I love it cause it protects my bones and stays without moving!

Wearing helmet standing in water next to board
Maryh with her favorite vest. Courtesy Syl Trajan (@syltrajan)

Unit Victress Series – My Lil Paperplane

Unfortunately, this babe doesn’t fit in my bag but I wish it could be at every destination, cause it’s so much fun to ride!! If you want to discover my Unit Parktech signature, you can find it at Wakebeach257 and Supieria, both in Germany! Where next!?

Maryh hitting the rail
Spot: Wakebeach257 Courtesy Chris Lehnert (@chrislehnert)

Nane Art Clothing

We all have a fav riding shirt. Mine is Mr. Fleischer longsleeve ♡.

But for the colder days, I’m always hidden in my Wal windbreaker!

Feel free to visit :wink:

Maryh in the cable park
Spot: Lunar Cable Park Courtesy Auriane DH (@a.dhache)
Maryh Off Axis
Spot: Off Axis Wake Courtesy Fanny Louvion (@poys_pictures)

After Essentials Ponchos

The sweetest ponchos in town. Fluffy outside, really dries inside. And it’s from France!

I literally use them all the time. After shower, to get change at the wake spot, before and after surfing, to sleep! All – the – time.

Sometimes I even drive back home in my poncho .. and once I had to stop for fuel, no pasa nada!

Maryh in the rain
Poncho in the rain. Courtesy Syl Trajan (@syltrajan)

CopyCatsClub Cap

The one and only one. On my head everyday.

Maryh in her CCC hat
Wearing copycatsclub hat. Courtesy Vadim (@scowl_broccoli)

My Film Cameras

Meet sir. Analog & mr. Pola

Maryh cameras
Maryh never leaves her camera behind. Courtesy Maryh Rougier