Want to learn your first tantrum? The secret is to learn a backside re-entry ollie first. If you have a good backflip on the trampoline and a lofty, consistent backside re-entry ollie, then you’ve got the perfect recipe for a tantrum. Learning the trick in this order will help you land it faster, with fewer hard falls.
To see this drill in depth, go to learnwake.com and watch the instructional video entitled “Tripping a Tantrum.” For now, we’ll give you the basic structure you’ll need to get started.
For a good backside re-entry, start at the bottom of the wake, with the wake on your backside, and get into a low seated position. Then drift up the face of the wake on your heels, until you reach about three-fourths of the way up the face of the wake. At that point, with your weight on the balls of your feet, ollie off of your toes back down toward the bottom of the wake, stepping hard on the tail of your board. This will be the same type of pop you’ll need when you trip into a tantrum.
Before you try the tantrum, practice this pop with about half the lateral travel you’d take in for a normal wake jump, landing in the middle of the wakes. This step will help you get used to the edge change at the wake. If you do it correctly, you should feel like you’re getting tripped backward at the wake, and you might even take a few mild falls over your heels.
Once you feel comfortable with this type of pop, edge into the wake aggressively, square up like you would for a re-entry, rotate the backflip just like you would on the trampoline, spot the water, and land your first tantrum!