How to Perform a Backside 180 Wakeboarding With Dylan Miller

Dylan Miller tells you what you need to know using his Heyday Wake Boats H22 to show you how to do this trick.

Dylan Miler (@dylanmiller) has been riding professionally for 12 years.

In this video, this veteran pro rider shares his tips for learning to perform a Backside 180 while wakeboarding. Topics Miller covers include how to initiate the trick using the start-up roller of the wake, edging out, controlling your speed and where you should be looking while doing a Backside 180. Learn about the importance of your shoulders, where your weight is, timing the rotation, incorporating a grab,  and more. All footage shot using Dylan Miller’s Heyday Wake Boats H22.

Enjoy learning this trick.

Read Next: Get More Pro Tips

Watch Now: Check out the Heyday Wake Boats H22, the Boat Dylan Miller Rides Behind