Hey wake fans, in this installment of Meet the Pros learn about pro rider Bec Gange!
This two-time World Champion professional wakeboarder and reality TV star, travels the world for competitions and events. With two world titles under her belt, numerous Female Trick of the Year, World Cup wins, Best Female Rider of the Year and two knee surgeries, Bec has been through it all. Bec has also starred in the reality TV show, Instant Hotel with her brother Tristan.
MTP brings you the hard facts about your favorite pro riders, so you can learn what boats and gear help them achieve greatness. We also make sure to include some personal insights: be sure to scroll all the way down to learn what these, “Fun Facts,” are for Bec Gange!
- Name: Bec Gange
- Nickname: Bec
- Country: Australia
- Social Media: @BecGange
- Age: 32
- Home: Lake Murray River
- Local Lake: Lake Minnehaha
- Favorite Trick: Indy tantrum to blind
Top 3 Accomplishments
- 2020 1st place Moomba Masters
- 2018 1st Place WWF World Championships
- 2014 1st Place WWA Worlds
Read Next: More Meet the Pros Interviews

- Boat: Axis A24
- Board: Hyperlite Cadence Bec Gange 138
- Bindings: Hyperlite Capitol
- Rope & Handle: Hyperlite Cadence Bec Gange
- Life Jacket: Hyperlite Cadence Bec Gange

Fun Facts
Notable Trick: 1st woman to land a Whirlybird 540
Something quirky about you: My brother and I wanted to be WWE Pro Wrestlers as kids.
Most unexpected wakeboarding experience: Due to traveling so much, it surprised me how much the wakeboarding season takes away from the amount of time to freeride, learn, and practice new tricks.
What are you up to when you’re not on the water? I enjoy playing disc golf, hanging in the garden, and going for pontoon rides.
What’s your training regime off the water? In the off season, I do loads of strength training 4 days a week to build muscle. During the on season, 2 to 3 days I work on stability, conditioning, and injury prevention exercises.