Meet the Pros is our series of articles profiling professional wake athletes. MTP strives to bring you the hard facts about your favorite pro riders, so you can learn what boats and gear help them achieve greatness. We also make sure to include some personal insights: be sure to scroll all the way down to learn what these, “Fun Facts,” are for each rider. Enjoy this installment of Meet the Pros and learn about Thomas Herman.
- Name: Thomas Herman
- Nickname: T-Herm
- Instagram: @Thomasherman
- Home Lake: Lake Jessamine, FL
- Favorite Trick: Boat: KGB 540
Top Three Accomplishments
- 2021 – Rookie of the Year
- 2020 – 1st Place Junior Pro National Championships
- 2020 – 1st Place Junior Pro Series Overall Champion
- Boat: Whoever’s willing to pull me!
- Board: Ronix One Blackout
- Binding: Ronix XRT
- Rope: Ronix North Handle
- Life Jacket: Ronix Supreme Jake Pelot Vest
Fun Facts
Most Insane Trick Landed: Double Nose Grab Backroll
Something Quirky: I love Demi Lovato’s music!
Surprising Fact About Pro Wakeboarding: I was very surprised at the toll riding at the pro level takes on my body.
What do you do off the water? Play guitar and I enjoy hanging out with friends.