If by now you haven’t seen the epic wakeskate film Istudiomo you need to do yourself a favor and check it out now. The film’s creator, Andrew Roehm, is as dedicated and passionate as they come when it comes to wakeskating. He literally put blood, sweat, tears and a lot of dollars into making this Istudiomo come to life (as did all of the riders and many others). Don’t worry though, it’s free to watch. Yes, free. You don’t have to pay anything. But you should. Supporting film projects like this is what keeps them alive, which in turn keeps you stoked, which in turns makes you feel more alive. So if you want to feel alive, then give people like Andrew Roehm some money. No, that’s not a threat…
At any rate, Istudiomo is a gorgeous video filled with some of the most epic wakeskating ever caught on camera. Years went into the making of it, and once you watch it you’ll see why. Given the insane amount of time and energy that went into it, we figured it was only appropriate to break down some of the insane numbers that make the film what it is.
Watch Istudiomo here
- Length of movie: 1:01:16
- Number of riders: 13
- Number of countries: 7
- Amount of video shot (in GB or TB): 5TB of usable 1080p/4K video (AKA ~3 straight months of video)
- Number of cameras used: 6
- Number of times cameras splashed: ~60
- Number of drones crashed: 4
- Number of days filming: ~300
- Number of hours editing: ~250
- Number of flights you took: 39
- Number of times you said “Just one more!”: It was usually them saying it! Probably around three per session.
- Number of run-ins with the law: 53, I actually kept really good track of this! 26 kickouts (14 by locals, 12 by police/park rangers), 21 let us stay, three locals stopped them from kicking us out, two cops talked other cops out of busting us, one ticket then kicked us out (ticket disputed and dropped).
- Footage that was lost to a digital demon (bad card/HD): Surprisingly none, always have backups!
- Number of clips missed filming: Just one… Sorry, Nick T!