Throughout its six-year history, the renowned Jever Fun Wake The Line powered by Nissan has seen a lot of progression. It’s now 2016 and the level of riding has reached new heights – thanks to the constant evolution. Since day one the Sesitec System 2.0 has been an essential part of “Wake The Line” and has been continuously improved. This year Sesitec will bring two-tower systems to a new level with their development of the System 2.0 HD, tailored especially to the needs and demands of advanced riders: smooth, strong and heavy duty. The Sesitec System 2.0 HD will give wakeboarding a whole new dimension. It combines the System 2.0’s flexibility and range with the stable pull of a full-size cable.
Due to special components and an extra weight, the rider will barely notice any vibrations or movements on the System 2.0 HD – which will allow the rider to fully focus on this year’s exciting and challenging UNIT Parktech setup – guaranteeing a spectacular and action-fueled show for the crowd. Not only will world-class wakeboard events benefit from Sesitec’s newest innovation, it’s also a perfect opportunity for stand-alone wakeparks or full-size wakeparks that want to offer something new and exciting. Using heavy duty components, the System 2.0 HD was built for a high-degree capacity and will therefore require less maintenance. It’s electric motor is environmentally friendly and allows for riding speeds up to 45kmh. Sesitec’s wireless Recon remote guarantees intuitive and comfortable operating – even from a distance.
In addition, it comes with an iPad with a specialized software that allows you to individually set up and adjust certain parameters on the fly, like turning points, maximum speed, as well as sudden speed increases and decreases.
The new owner of the Jever Fun Wake The Line powered by Nissan 2016 Sesitec System 2.0 HD will be a true winner – not only will this system still be an absolute innovation to the wakeboard industry within years to come, but also the best wakeboarders and wakeskaters on the planet will be using it during the world’s most legendary contest.