Steel Lafferty had a heck of a 2017. A first ever double indy tantrum to blind behind the boat. Then a first ever mute double back mobe, which earned him the coveted Trick of the Year award at Wake Awards. Here’s a refresher, in case you’ve been under a rock.

He followed that up by landing both tricks AGAIN. In a contest. He won, of course. The MasterCraft Throwdown was started to encourage riders to throw down, and nobody did that quite like Steel. He also went on to earn a ROTY for 2017. Bring on 2017 and Steel has a big announcement. He’s gone years without a board sponsor, but no longer. Connelly has teamed up with Steel to bring about some big, fun, different things with their approach and brand. Look for the Connelly Collective to do some craziness in the near future.
See more here with Connelly and Steel.